Canaltech reports on Kahoot! as one of the most downloaded educational apps of 2021
The Kahoot! mobile app ranks among the most popular learning apps of the year
The Kahoot! mobile app ranks among the most popular learning apps of the year
January 4, 2022The article introduced educators to the Kahoot! experience with a step-by-step guide
December 27, 2021Estamos animados para apresentar o Kahoot!+ AccessPass — um novo serviço de assinatura que permite aos...
December 9, 2021Learners of all ages were invited to put their knowledge of science and technology to the...
December 7, 2021As many teachers and students return to in-person learning, educational technology can help make the classroom...
November 19, 2021With support for SharePlay on iPhones and iPads, users can now play kahoots together directly on...
October 28, 2021What will education look like in the future and how can we continue to make learning...
October 15, 2021Poio has added support for Brazilian Portuguese, making the learn-to-read app accessible for more learners globally
September 30, 2021Tornamos o site e o app Kahoot! mais acessíveis, inclusivos e relevantes do que antes para...
September 22, 2021Kahoot!'s learn-to-read app Poio is making headlines for its new language support
September 10, 2021Eu conheci o aplicativo Kahoot! em um evento sobre educação em 2017. Mas comecei a usá-lo...
September 6, 2021With Kahoot!, teachers can create interactive learning activities that spark engagement through play
September 2, 2021Com o Kahoot! Poio Read agora disponível em português brasileiro e francês, além de inglês, espanhol,...
August 24, 2021With Kahoot!, the whole family can learn and play together by creating, discovering and playing kahoots
July 27, 2021A Kahoot! está trabalhando junto com a Zoom Video Communications, Inc. para mostrar que se reunir...
July 21, 2021Um GIF vale por mil palavras! Com a integração do Kahoot! com o GIPHY, ficou mais...
July 20, 2021The online competition challenged students in the a variety of STEM subjects
July 12, 2021Após um ano desafiador para educadores, alunos e famílias no mundo todo, não há melhor momento...
July 8, 2021Milhões de educadores e alunos do mundo todo agora podem descobrir novos conteúdos de aprendizagem das...
June 22, 2021Dê mais significado e diversão ao aprendizado social emocional com os novos kahoots sobre o filme...
June 17, 2021Você usa o PowerPoint nas suas aulas? Com nossa nova integração, você vai poder iniciar um...
May 20, 2021Transforme qualquer apresentação em uma experiência de aprendizado interativa! Saiba como nosso novo suplemento para PowerPoint...
May 20, 2021