Kahoot! is recommended as a helpful digital learning tool for new teachers Kahoot! makes it easy for teachers of any experience level to implement an interactive and playful... September 4, 2024
Learners rev up their knowledge of road safety with a Kahoot! competition The contest was part of a mobility initiative to educate youth on safe driving July 18, 2022
Kahoot! is named as a top platform for inspiring an audience With Kahoot!, anyone can create content that captivates an audience of learners, says Formation de Formateurs July 6, 2022
1,400 students learn about French-speaking music artists in a virtual Kahoot! competition Students from 75 elementary school classes joined in the contest virtually June 22, 2022
Kahoot! is spotlighted as one of the best apps to create engaging and interactive courses Educators can bring interactivity and engagement to assessment with Kahoot! April 26, 2022
Hundreds of students learned about German language and culture in a Kahoot! competition The kahoot session was hosted as part of the "German Olympics" event for middle and high... March 22, 2022
French tourism office engages visitors and residents alike with Kahoot! The Kahoot! competition aimed to connect the community and educate participants on the heritage of Melun... November 24, 2021
Orange shouts out Kahoot! Numbers by DragonBox as an app that's both entertaining and educational Young learners can have fun while building important math skills with Kahoot! Numbers by DragonBox November 8, 2021
Kahoot! is highlighted as a standout company bringing joy to learning Investing in education is a key way to contribute to positive social impact, says global investment... November 8, 2021
Educator shares how playing Kahoot! in the classroom makes learning more meaningful Gamification with platforms like Kahoot! sparks motivation and active participation in the learning process in this... October 25, 2021
Learn how companies can rethink corporate culture for the hybrid age in Alliancy With the rise of hybrid work models reshaping organizations, how should businesses adapt their approach to... October 14, 2021
Kahoot! DragonBox Numbers is recommended as a top learning app for kids Parents, families and educators can enrich kids' math practice in the classroom or at home with... October 4, 2021
École branchée spreads the word that Kahoot! is available in French Users can now access Kahoot! in French on both the mobile app and the website September 27, 2021
Le Journal de Montréal recommends DragonBox to bring fun to math learning this back-to-school season With the DragonBox series of apps, learners can grow their math skills through play August 23, 2021